Wednesday, October 24, 2007

America’s Hidden Treasures

About a year ago I went on an adventure that was a lot of fun and a little out of the ordinary. I was asked to star in the pilot episode of a television show!

The show is called America's Hidden Treasures and is about camping in remote locations across the country - places that require serious planning and preparation. That's were I come in. I was asked to be the show's expert, guiding the host and Guest Adventures to places that are a challenging journey and breathtakingly beautiful. The Guest Adventures are people new to the sport of off-roading who want to "take it to the next level" and find out just how far off the beaten path 4x4 adventures can take them. For this show, the Guest Adventurers were past students of mine. We really had a ball!

Well, the show has been edited and its creators are shopping it around, hoping to find a network to air it. In the meantime, they have established a great website with video clips of the show as well as great information about attending a potentially dangerous trip. There are informative articles by your's truly in the "Expert’s Corner".

In the site's bulletin board/forums you can post your personal funny camping stories or your favorite places to "get away from it all". If you are part of a club you can use the forum and the calendar to boost member ship by posting information about your club and planned events.

Take a minute to check out the site and even sign up as a member. It's absolutely free and they would welcome any story contribution you can make.

Go to:

Tom Severin,
PresidentBadlands Off-Road Adventures, Inc
Make it Fun. Make it Safe.

Don’t Let a Breakdown Ruin Your Trip

People often wonder if I encounter significant breakdowns while off-roading. I sure do. In fact, one occurred during our recent Death Valley Adventure.

It was about lunchtime on the second day when a front coil spring broke. My first thought was, “This is bizarre. Those springs don’t break.” But I didn’t have time to analyze the cause. I had to decide what to do, and fast.

At that point we were about 200 miles into our excursion, with another 200 to 300 miles to go over the next two days. I had to get this coil replaced. But how? It was impossible to place a call; there was no cell service in that area.

The nearest town was Beatty, Nev. Just as you might have to in a similar situation, I improvised. I removed the bottom four inches of broken coil and drove into town with a heavy sag to the left. Fortunately there was enough coil left that my tire just cleared the wheel well. I also reconnected the anti-sway bar to keep the spring in place.

When we arrived I called a 4 Wheel Parts store. Turns out they had a spring at their warehouse in Compton, Calif. I got a hold of a buddy, who graciously agreed to buy the spring and deliver it to me on the route. He picked it up that afternoon, and after driving through the night, arrived early Saturday morning. (Did I say a really good friend!)

Needless to say, the weekend–and our Death Valley Adventure–was saved.

I’ve been four-wheeling for over 40 years, and an instructor for six. Breakdowns are serious matters and require careful thought. There could be more than one solution; choose the one that assures you the best chance of getting out the fastest.

Here are some very important tips to consider as you plan for a trip into a remote area, especially the desert.

1. Should your vehicle break down, do not panic. You need a clear head during that challenging time.
2. Be prepared for the worst conditions. The desert is unforgiving. A breakdown there can literally be a life or death situation. Be sure to pack a lot of water and the proper clothing for the conditions.
3. You can take only so much gear and spare parts with you, so pack wisely. Include the proper tools and supplies (including sealants and fluids), but also consider which parts are likely to fail. Don’t try to pack everything, however. It’s not feasible or practical.
4. File a “flight plan” before leaving. Let your family members know where you’ll be and when you will return. Should the unthinkable happen, they’ll have some idea of where to start searching.
5. Always travel with at least one other vehicle. Ideally another vehicle will be the same as yours, which could make repairs easier. Regardless, if you’re forced to abandon your vehicle, you will have transportation out of the area.
Regardless of the condition of your vehicle, plan for a breakdown on your trip. You will be much better prepared should one occur.

Tom Severin,
PresidentBadlands Off Road Adventures, Inc
Make it Fun. Make it Safe.