Thursday, September 29, 2005

Wildness First Responder Class

Have you ever completed a regular first aid class and still felt you were not sure what to do if you found someone unconscious or were the first to come across a car accident? I know I have. Most first aid classes teach you by memorizing signs and symptoms and then the corresponding treatment. There is a better way!

I just completed the 8 day Wilderness Medical Associates’ Wilderness First Responder (WFR) course hosted by Crested Butte Outdoors. In my opinion everyone should take this class. Even if you never expect to use it in a wilderness context, it is well worth the effort.

The WFR class takes a “system of the body approach”. It is keep very simple. Because you learn how the body works, you are able to relate cause and effect with out a great deal of memorization. For example you learn the only 3 things that you will die of no mater what the accident or illness. Then you learn how to focus on them and take appropriate action. As part of the materials, you receive a pocket size Field Guild that will step you through emergency medical procedures.

If you are in a wilderness context, which is defined as more then 2 hours from definitive care, you are authorized to deal with life threaten situations when you can not call 911. You learn how to decide when you can walk/ carry / drive your patient out or if you need to send up the “big balloon” and have every available resource respond.

Log onto the Wilderness Medical Associates’ web site for more information!

And check out Crested Butte Outdoors for their next scheduled class. .



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